全系列的SQL Server 2000資料庫皆不能在Windows Vista或Longhorn Server執行
今早還在想要將我的NB作業環統升級成Windows Vista環境,目前VS 2005 SP1已正式版了,只差SQL Server 2005 SP2正式版就搞定,但目前SQL Server 2005 SP2為2006年12月號CTP版本,也就是說得等到明年不知幾月份才會正式版。  
而一時之間忽然心血來潮,SQL Server 2000呢?先前只注意到SQL Server 2005在Windows Vista上運行需要配合SP1,那SQL Server 2000需要注意事項?查了一下微軟的文件說明,真是令我昏倒...結論是全系列的SQL Server 2000資料庫皆不能在Windows Vista或Longhorn Server執行!  
天哪SQL Server 2000這麼好的產品,被微軟總部的一群”智囊團”給封殺了,他們以為企業是在玩家家酒呀,SQL Server 2000不能跑...要Migration或維護會產生多少問題,讓想玩Vista的開發人員會再三卻步...真是不曉得這些領高薪的”智囊團”腦袋在想什麼,不支援VS.NET 2003就算了,索性連功能良好的SQL Server 2000一併打入死牢!  在此敬告讀者,SQL Server 2000被微軟Windows Vista及Longhorn Server封殺,讓我們心中為SQL Server 2000默哀三分鐘,以悼念這位陪伴我們5年之久的忠心好友,想念......註:比SQL Server 2000更舊的產品就不必說了,請直接忽略!以下是微軟軟站的說明:  

In an effort to provide customers with more secure products, Microsoft Windows Server "Longhorn" and Microsoft Windows Vista will only support SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later when it becomes available. Earlier versions of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2000 (all editions including Desktop Engine edition, a.k.a MSDE), SQL Server 7.0, and SQL Server 6.5, will not be supported on Windows Server "Longhorn" or Windows Vista. Customers running applications with these earlier versions of SQL Server should consider evaluating and upgrading to SQL Server 2005, which was designed to take advantage of the upcoming security and performance enhancements in the operating environment.全文請參考Running SQL Server on "Microsoft Windows Server Longhorn" or Microsoft Windows Vista

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